Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Good Times in Texas

For all those wondering, yes, it is very much possible to have a good time in Texas.  IF you have a super cool sister and brother-in-law living there, that is!  I had the wonderful fortune of getting to spend a long weekend in Ft. Worth, catching up with Gina.  Thanks to both of our husbands for giving us that time together!

In the span of 3.5 days, Gina and I managed to watch four chick flicks and several Friends episodes, go to the symphony, find each other some fabulous shoes, stay up late talking, eat a lot of good food, and sleep in.  Oh, and I got to see where Gina works - pretty swanky office sis!  As exhausting as that might sound to some, it was the perfect recipe for a sister weekend.  Thanks Gean Bean - you are good for my soul!

Gina and me after the symphony
And now for the shoes... 

Our lovely flats...

...Justin was feeling left out

New shoes!  Now we just need warm weather...

Ready to roll

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Ski Trip Fun

Charlie came to visit us in January.  Well, it might be more accurate to say that Charlie came to snowboard in January, and happened to visit us at the same time : )  Either way, we had loads of fun and I was able to hit the slopes a few days with him!  We spent a day at Keystone, where we learned that we are, indeed, smarter than a zipper.  But it took us several hours to figure that out, so I don't think it's anything worth bragging about.  It also happened that my only fall of the day wasn't on a black diamond, but rather, trying to get a picture with Charlie.  Classic. 

We also spent two days at Winter Park, and had the good fortune of staying the night with our friends Carrie and Joel.  The sitting-in-a-hot-tub-instead-of-driving-back-down-the-mountain was an added bonus to the real benefit of good fellowship and food.  Speaking of food, we chowed  on Beau Jo's pizza one night, and Charlie found a fabulous breakfast joint in Denver - Snooze - that we enjoyed twice! 

All-in-all, it was a really great time...thanks for the awesomeness brother.

Charlie buckling in...

...and ready to go!  Nice gear!

Kristi showing how to gracefully prepare for a picture...

...and finally getting the picture!

The first time we went to Snooze, we ordered enough for 4 people...but oh it was good!