Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What are you promoting?

Someone told me something a couple of months ago that has stuck with me: “promote that which you want, not that which you expect.”  I thought it was pretty insightful when I first heard it, but the more I’ve pondered on it and let it run in the background of my mind, the more I’ve come to realize how powerful this could be.
I am of the mindset that what we think about – that which we allow to run through our heads on a regular basis – greatly impacts how we live.  In particular, how we respond to people/circumstances and what our general attitude is.  Whether or not we claim these consistent thoughts as “beliefs” or not, they nevertheless shape how we live. 
I don’t think this is one of those “say it’s so and it will be so” deals, but rather, a concept that says that what you spend all your time thinking about and focusing on is probably what you will end up promoting through your subsequent actions. 
The theory is that people tend to promote (which could be anything from “influence” to “make happen”) that which they expect to or assume will happen.  Take, for instance, a situation at work: you expect your project at work to fail and your boss to think you’re incompetent.  You might start making excuses, coming down hard on teammates, looking for a new job, withdrawing from co-workers, and putting less effort in the project, because hey, it’s going to fail anyway.  Whether or not that expectation was true to begin with, there’s a good chance that the preceding actions could indeed lead to the failure you expected. 
On the other hand, maybe you think that failure is possible, but instead of acting like that is what will happen, you act out what you WANT to happen – project success.  This could include forming better relationships with teammates, encouraging colleagues, finding the right way to apply your efforts more than ever, re-doing timelines, seeking input from your boss…things that would naturally lead to project success. 
Or you expect an argument with a spouse or family member and thus approach the conversation with a belligerent, stubborn attitude or a huge list of reasons why you’re right…which ends up leading to the argument that may or may not have actually happened.  You expect someone to think you messed something up, so you approach the matter defensively.  Or you expect someone to say “no” so you hedge around the issue hinting at similar things that don’t go over well.
Why not go into all these situations with a positive attitude, angling toward what you actually want to happen!
Now I do think we need to be sensitive to other’s feelings and wise about preparing for certain situations…but I do have to wonder how many of the negative responses we receive and the unpleasant situations we find ourselves in were prompted by our own thoughts and subsequent actions. 
The same wise person also told me an old tale that goes something like this: a grandpa was telling his young grandson that everyone has two lions inside of them – the good lion and the bad lion – and they are in constant battle with each other for control.  “Which one wins?” asks the grandson.  “The one that you feed” replied the grandfather.
What are YOUR thoughts feeding?
Feed the good, foster that which you want, and maybe, just maybe, you can help make it happen.
Food for thought, if nothing else.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Family Graduation and Baby Shower

I flew to MO the last week of July for two happy celebrations - big brother Tim added "Specialist" to his Masters degree in Education, and little sister Gina was centerstage at her baby shower.  I'm so proud of my family, and so thankful I got to be a part of celebrating them!

Mom and I spent a couple of days preparing for the shower - getting food ready, decorating, and making favors for the kids (it was a mother-child shower, which was a great idea on Gina's part!). 

This didn't particularly have anything to do with the shower, but we did have some really good cherries that week!

Mom found this super cute lamb...and his name was already Louie!

Oh don't ya just want to squeeze 'em!?
After a couple of days of prep, Gina arrived Thursday evening and helped us pick out a gift for Tim, followed by some good girl times that night.  Friday morning we three headed up for haircuts.  Yay - I love having my hair done!  Then we added Dad to the crew and took off for Bolivar for Tim's graduation.  Rhianna's parents were there too, and we had a great meal before the ceremony.  Tim, I'm so proud of all you've done, but even more than your impressive accomplishments, I'm proud of who you are.

Gina ironing her shirt for the evening - isn't she so cute!!

Dinner in Tim and Rhianna's lovely home

Sophia is an impressive corn eater

Tim and Rhianna post graduation

Tim, Rhianna, Ellen, and Sophia...and little baby girl!

Proud Mom and Dad with the Graduate

The sisters.  Way to go big brother, way to go!
Homemade peach cobbler and ice cream wrapped up the evening quite nicely. 

Friday morning we finished up shower prep, then got things underway!  Gina, you are already a fantastic mom, and I'm so blessed to watch you grow beautifully into each new challenge/chapter that comes your way.  Your love, grace, and perseverance amaze me.

Loved these cute plates and napkins Mom found for Gina's breakfast!

Attaching the streamers and balloons was a bit of a balancing act...but what fun colors!

Mom also found these napkins - so perfect!

Check out the awesome cookies Rhianna made!!

And of course, as with any good party, there was food!

Ellen and Sophia play a game while waiting for the festivities to begin...


A moment of excitement as the guests arrived and goodie boxes were opened.

There was some socializing and eating, then a game and presents.

Sheila and Drake

Rachel, Hayden, and Gina

Brigette and Gina

Lauren, Haven, and Gina

Rhianna and Gina...amused

Mom and Gina with a super cute stocking cap

Andrea and Gina

Roxie and Gina

Charlie wasn't there, but he still contributed a toy for Louie!

Me with my sis

"Maid Marian" with Gina and the booties we brought back from Italy


The little crown Lauren made for Louie

The little girls - Sophia, Valerie, Ellen, and Annie

Mom, Gina, Rhianna, and Me

It was such a good time to be able to spend a few days with with family and celebrate worthy causes.  I went to help throw a baby shower, and I'm the one that ended up being blessed and uplifted.  I guess that's what good company does.