Friday, November 4, 2011

Colorado Fall

What with the two rounds of snow we've had so far, fall seemed very short in Denver this year.  However, we did get some spectacular leaves!  First we got in the spirit with a few table decorations...

...then we took a Saturday drive over Guanella Pass between Grant and Georgetown.  It was breathtaking to see all the gorgeous, bright yellow aspen in all their glory.  Despite the day turning cloudy, we still got a few good pictures.

I love the contrast of the Aspens against the Evergreens

This is one of my favorite pictures - they just lined the road!

We got up high enought that the Aspen disappeared for a bit....

...and then above treeline all the trees disappeared...

...and then there they are again as we came back down.
We never did use the bikes that day as the road ended up being gravel part of the way and very busy!

After all that hard work of looking at lovely leaves, we stopped in Idaho Springs for pizza at Beau Jo's...along with the other 50,000 people from Denver who were leaf-looking that day, it seemed : )  Farewell fall - you were fantastic while you lasted!  I look forward to your return next year.