Thursday, December 1, 2011

More Fall and Some Celebrations

A couple of weeks ago we raked up the leaves in the front yard...our tree is always the last one in the neighborhood to shed it's leaves.  Bryan had already raked a bunch up the weekend before, and you see there are still plenty on the tree.  So the pile wasn't huge, but I jumped in it anyway.




Halloween seems so long ago by now, but it was only slightly over a month.  Bryan always looks forward to having trick-or-treaters stop by the house, so this year we decided to dress up a little bit too.  I had just gotten a fabulous black cat mask, and Bryan had a flight suit from a work skit, so that's what we were.  We had a lot of kids stop by, several of which thought it was funny when Bryan referred to their costumes as "uniforms." 

Then a few days later I turned the big 3-0.  I had great birthday celebrations this year!  First I was surprised with a birthday celebration when I arrived in Texas to help out with my new nephew.  Gina and Mom made things lovely, and Justin grilled up some fabulous salmon.  So awesome!

Day-of it snowed, but I still took myself off to get a pedicure and then Bryan took me out for dinner that evening.  On the way home, he casually asked if I wanted to go bowling (as we drove by the place).  I almost said no because I didn't have socks on, but I'm glad I said yes because some of our small group friends were waiting inside to surprise me!  I even got the high bowling score of the night (luck was on my side).  Fun times!

Oh looky - my toenails match my shoes.

Bryan got Broncos tickets for my birthday, so Nov 17 we piled on the layers and headed to Mile High to watch Tebow lead the Broncos to a win over the Jets.  It was an exciting game the whole way through, with the winning touchdown coming in the last few minutes.  Another great birthday memory!

We were too busy cheering to take pictures during the game, but we got a few beforehand.

All-in-all, turning 30 wasn't bad.  In fact, I plan to make this a great year, so one could even say it was pretty good.  Thanks to all who helped me celebrate and made me feel so special!!!