Tuesday, October 25, 2011

September Weekend at the Beach

I am so behind on this...well, about a month I guess.  Could be worse : )

Bryan had to be in Daytona Beach for a work meeting in September, so we decided to put some of the hard-earned frequent flyer miles to use and send me along with him.  I worked on school stuff while he was in his meetings, then we spent the weekend resting up and playing on the beach.  Daytona Beach is interesting in that it slopes out so gradually that you can wade WAY in and still touch bottom. 

The water was SO warm that we pulled our beach chairs down in it so when the waves came up they splashed us a bit.  And then we went out in the ocean and splashed the waves right back.  Ok, not really, but we did play around in them quite a bit.  It was so much fun!

There's our beach chairs (with Bryan) down in the water.
Bryan was using the towel to protect his slightly burnt legs.

Daytona Beach is forever long!

And thus begins a string of pictures I like to call "Bryan taking on the waves."  Who won?  Depends on your perspective, I suppose.  Bryan came out standing up (despite several of these pictures), but from what I can tell, those waves are still there, rolling on...

At least he's still laughing...

Take THAT waves!

I love the ocean.  Walking in the sand, listening to the waves crash up on the beach, watching the water rise then fall in a froth of white foam...ahhh!!!

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