Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Christmas 2010

As mentioned earlier, we had a busy 2010 Christmas season...but we loved it all!  Dan and Christy came to town December 21, and after exploring downtown Denver, we had dinner and our "first Christmas" at home that evening.

December 22 we all drove up to the Ranch in Granby to have our "second Christmas" with Bryan's grandparents, aunt and uncle, cousins, and nephew.  We played in the snow, ate good food, drank a lot of tea, and enjoyed good company.

We finally saw snow!

We went sledding and snowmobiling
I'm pretty sure that sledding with Bryan's nephew Caden is when Bryan decided he wanted boys "because girls wouldn't take a face-plant in snow and still want to play more." : )  We built a little jump for us big kids on the sledding hill.  I held the record for the furthest airtime...until everyone else went, LOL! 
Bryan and Caden

Uncle Cal, Aunt Tami, Caden, Katie, and Cousin Ben

I even got to see my first live moose.  Those things are big!

Friday Bryan and I headed back to Denver, stopping first at Winter Park to ski and then Beau Jo's for pizza.  We then cleaned up and went to the Christmas Eve service at our church.  Christmas day was spent at home...opening our presents to each other and relaxing!

This was some pretty intricate wrapping for my stocking!

The day after Christmas Taylor, Maddie, and Dylan came over for dinner and a hilarious game of Balderdash.  Good times!

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