Sunday, January 23, 2011

Ringing in the New Year

Bryan and I traveled to Missouri to spend the New Year's weekend with my family.  Somewhat ironically, it started snowing for the first "real" time this season as we pulled out of the garage to head to the airport...but we made it just fine anyway. 

Just like when we were growing up, Mom and Dad had great toys and dress-up clothes...including Mom's own shoes!

We celebrated Christmas New Year's Eve morning, starting off with the traditional cinnamon rolls...

I love Sophia's little eyes peaking over the island!
Dad had a rapt audience when he brought out his guitar while the rolls baked.

Then the gifts were passed out and more fun began.

There were some good helpers...

...and some happy recipients...

...and some fun with new things...

That evening we stayed in for New Year's Eve...had some food and played some games...and managed to stay awake til midnight.

Who knew Frog's Eyes could be so tasty?

There was even a hoop for those who preferred basketball over Boggle... ; )

Bryan had a protege while he worked on a floorplan for our basement...

Ah the joy of being read to!!  And eating oranges, of course.
All in all, we had a wonderful weekend filled with good family, food, and fun.  We missed Gina and Justin, but are glad they had the chance to spend NYE in NYC.  Just don't do it again ; )

That Sunday we headed to Topeka to see Grandma Virginia, Uncle Dave, and Deanne, and had some yummy pizza and good catching up.  We were also lucky enough to spend some time with our friend Lance, and also catch up with Matt, Fran, and Brandon for dinner. 

We are blessed with awesome people in our lives - thanks to everyone for making our holidays so fabulous!

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