Friday, August 26, 2011

Adventures Back East

Back in June I flew east to attend my cousin Jenny’s wedding in Lancaster, PA.  It was a really fun extended weekend catching up with family and exploring an interesting part of the country!  Gina, Tim, Rhianna, and I met in Baltimore Thursday, June 23, then drove up to Lancaster Friday morning. 
Ready to head out of Baltimore

Traffic was a bit of a mess part of the way... Gina read us our daily devo.
I was not impressed with the HHR's seatbelts...
...but I was impressed with our groups ice cream eating skills!

On the recommendation of Aunt Angela, we stayed at the Cork Factory Hotel which was full of character!

Tim thought he could catch a quick nap.  He forgot he was rooming with us girls!

I thought the soap was brilliant - who uses a whole bar in one stay anyway?
I did not, however, think the ironing board was brilliant...
...but Rhianna finally figured it out.  Whew.
After checking in and dumping our things, we headed over to Mark and Angela’s to chat for a while…then we walked over to grab some dinner.
Jimmee's has great burgurs!!

Next up was a dessert reception/social gathering out at the wedding site, which was a beautiful outdoor spot.  There were a few more mosquitoes than I’m used to in Denver, but it was a lovely evening and fun to catch up with extended family.
Saturday morning the girls went over to Angela and Mark’s to help set up for a wedding shower.  Gina helped Angela in the kitchen, and Rhianna and I helped Elyse with flowers.  I LOVED the hydrangeas.  Angela and Mark live in a great old neighborhood with towering trees, charming homes, and gorgeous hydrangea bushes.  Yes please!  The shower was fun, and as an added bonus I got to “model” Grandma Audrey’s wedding dress while Uncle Jim (and then Justin) wore Grandpa’s suit.  That was neat.

After the shower had lunch at the Cork and Cap restaurant in our hotel with Uncle Jim, then relaxed a bit and got ready for the wedding.  Again, it was a lovely day with moderate temperatures, and the wedding and reception were perfect – personal, meaningful, and fun. 

One of the only wedding pictures I got - so pretty though!
Gina and I manned the gift table.

Making the ice cream!
Gina and cousin Angie.  Angela made Gina's bag, which includes a piece of one of Angie's old dresses.

The family cake topper!

Aunts and Uncles

The beautiful bride!
Sunday morning Gina and I met Angela and Elyse for a run…well, those three ran and I tried to keep up.  Reminded me I really ought to get back to the gym.  Anywho, then it was time to get ready for brunch at the Cork and Cap – and a mini surprise baby shower for Gina and Rhianna.  It worked – they were surprised : ) 

That's Gina hiding behind the onsie.

Then we were off for a tour of Lancaster.  Angela and Mark were wonderful guides, driving us through unique neighborhoods, the park, and finally the Barnstormers baseball game…after which we decided to run the bases with all the little goods.  Heck yes – good times were had by all!

Monday morning we headed to Lititz, a charming little town outside Lancaster full of cute shops and a chocolate factory. 

Making chocolate
Time for lunch!

Then it was time to drive back down to Baltimore to fly home.  It was good for my soul to spend a few days with such a wonderful family.  Love you all - and a huge congrats to Jenny and Jon!