Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Europe Day 22: Ostia Antica

We slept in a bit on May 5, then decided to take the train to Ostia Antica for our last day in/near Rome.  The directions seemed simple enough - take the metro to Piramide and then the train to Ostia Antica.  Of course we didn't know the "train" was a regional-type thing that ran on the same tracks at the metro, so we spent a while searching around the train station first...

It was a great little trip though - we had an absolutely gorgeous day, and it was nice to get outside of the crowds in Rome.  Ostia Antica was a port city back in the day, and many of the ruins have held up pretty well.  With the exception of a few roped off mosaics, we were allowed to climb up and around in the ruins which was fun.  I liked all the arched doorways and windows, and sitting at the top of the amphitheater steps soaking in the sun was neat.  It was a relaxing way to spend an afternoon outside, while still experiencing some pretty cool history!  It's fascinating to think that some of these ancient ruins have been around 10 times longer than the U.S. has been a country...

Mosiac floor in one of the buildings

We enjoyed sitting on the amphitheater steps for a while

A very well-preserved kitchen.  This was unusual b/c the vaulted ceiling remained intact.  Pretty neat.

After a much easier 40-minute ride back to Rome late that afternoon, we felt refreshed...and I was wishing we had one more day there.  Rome is a fascinating city with oh-so-much to see!!

But leave we must, so we retrieved our bags from the hotel, had some dinner, hunted down one last gelato shop, and caught our overnight train to Munich.  Our room was quite small...enough room between the bunk beds and wall to turn around...but we had a sink...goodbye Italy - you were a delight.  Here we come southern Germany, ready or not!

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