Sunday, June 17, 2012

Ireland - June 17, 2012

Well I made it to Ireland and found my team today, and despite my weary brain, I can say this is going to be a great trip!  To combat jet lag, one of my classmates, Justin, and I walked around Dublin for a couple of hours after arriving at the 420-year-old Trinity College (where we're staying a few nights).  

Justin in the infamous Temple Bar district
 It started drizzling a bit, but we saw a big church at the end of the street so we kept going and took refuge in Christ Church Cathedral.  I like European churches, in part because of the sense of reverence I get upon entering.  They're quiet, and the high ceilings, stained glass, and general artistry - even of the pillars and floors - exhibits the care and detail that went into them.  Some might find it ostentatious, but I find it respectful of the One worshipped there. My interior pictures didn't turn out stellar due to low lighting (and possibly operator error), but a sampling follows:

It almost looks like a (small) castle from the outside

Love the floor

Wish I could have heard the organ play

 It had stopped raining when we left, so we wandered around the streets for a while...which was probably good for us in terms of getting the blood moving after long flights, just as much as it served to keep us awake after being awake for 34 hours!

Yes, the signs are actually helpful.  You'd be surprised how ingrained in our heads it is to look the "right" way before crossing a street...and thus possibly miss a car here (they drive on the left)!

Then we stumbled upon St. Stephen's Green, a really lovely park.

Back on campus, we met up with the rest of our class for a quick check-in meeting...

Le, Teresa, Jill, Justin, Lia

The campus courtyard

Now here's some trivia for you (that Teresa learned on a tour) - this is the largest Oregon Maple in Europe.
House 13, the dorm we're staying in
It's been a long time since I've been in a dorm room...!
Some of us then went to dinner, and then I crashed!  Though I was pretty tired today, it was fun to get a feel for the city (and college), and spend a little downtown with my classmates. I think this shall be an experience to remember!  

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