Sunday, December 19, 2010

Winter Arrives

Christmas arrives in six days, and we've been doing our part to usher it in the past few weeks!  Actually, our first taste of winter came in November when we were blessed with two nights at Bryan's company's condo in Vail.  He didn't tell me much about it before we went - just that it was a little place up in Vail and was open for a few days, so did I want to started snowing as we drove up to the mountains, and when we pulled into the underground garage Bryan told me to go on inside and check it out.  When I opened the door from the garage, I realized that "little condo" was accurate.  IF you're an oversized giant.  For us normal-size folks, "three-story luxury home complete with a projector movie screen, built-in music system, personal hot tub, gourmet kitchen, and board room" was more fitting.  Though we both had to work while we were there, it was a beautiful place to spend a few days and we enjoyed our relaxing getaway.
Lots of semis on the way up to Vail were pulled over to put chains on

Nice view on the way up

"Condo" living room

Big screen downstairs

It was still snowing!

The few inches of snow in Vail have been pretty much the extent of snow we've seen so far. In fact, it's sunny sweater-weather out today.  Despite the lack of white stuff, we arrived back from our Thanksgiving travels and got out our Christmas gear.  I'm looking forward to stocking up on after-Christmas sales, but we managed to decorate three trees (two in and one outside) and put a few other decorations around. 

Kristi must deserve TWO stockings this year!

Standing guard by the front door

We've also been to three parties thus far, and Bryan has one more Monday evening.  The Friday before last we went to a gathering at the home of one of Bryan's colleagues in Evergreen.  It did snow there I guess we've seen some, it's just stayed in the mountains so far.  The home was lovely and the party preparation for next year's gathering, the hosts had everyone write down their guess of what the Dow Jones would be a year from now.  Closest guess at the 2011 party wins "a grand prize."  I later found out from one of the finance guys in attendance that my guess was extremely optimistic.  But hey, I bet everyone will be pulling for me cause who doesn't want the market to go way up? : )

This past Friday we dressed up and headed downtown to the Marriott for the general Denver-area DaVita holiday party.  Santa made an appearance, but the entertainment highlight of the evening was a company-specific version of the 12 Days of Christmas performed by a group of executives.  Then last night we went to a holiday/graduation party for our friend Karin who just received her Master's degree in education.  Most of our small group was there along with various other friends and family, and we had a great time chatting it up.  And laughing.  Which reminds me - those of you who see us over the holidays should make a point to ask Bryan what his second/secret career is...or just ask him to bust out a rap - either one will produce the same story.

At our friend's graduation/Christmas party

The best part about all this is that we still have lots of holiday adventures with friends and family coming up!

Friday, December 10, 2010


This year Bryan and I flew to KC to spend Thanksgiving with the the Garber gang...we had many great times and lots of good memories were made...

Wednesday evening entertainment included Ellen and Sophia taking turns on the bouncy pig. I think it was a winner Mom!

Thanksgiving morning we continued our new-as-of-2008 every-other-year tradition of running the 5k Turkey Trot at the Sprint Center. I should say "participated." Some of us ran, some jogged, some walked, and some rode...but everyone finished despite the bitter cold!

Charlie and Bryan
Gina and Kristi

The face coverings indicate how cold it was!

The girls were champs


Charlie, Tim, Dad, Mom, Kristi, Bryan, Rhianna, Ellen, Sophia, Gina, Justin

We finished!

Ready for hot coffee and ride-home-snacks
The meal was delicious (all of them were, actually!), and clean-up wasn't too bad with all those helpers!
Ellen is cutting...with a Donald Duck butter knife!

Bryan got a little time in with the cute neices... 

And the iPad turned out to be a big hit!

I'm not sure who was enjoying themself more...

Friday afternoon "the kids" went shopping, followed by dinner on the Plaza. The whole thing was a blast, but one of my favorite adventures was finding a spot in the parking garage. We circled and circled and tried following people to their cars before we discovered a whole additional level with several open spaces. Driver Tim handled the 6 back-seat drivers all shouting instructions like a champ!
Ready to go

Looking good from head... toe!

On the Plaza
Tim and Rhianna

Bryan and Kristi

Justin and Gina

Charlie and the future Mrs. Lucky

To top off the weekend, Bryan split some wood for Mom and Dad - nice job Babe!

We have wonderful family, and are looking forward to seeing even more of it over Christmas!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

"(Can't Get No) Satisfaction." Unless You Stop Trying So Hard

I haven't written for a little while...I've been wanting to, but didn't have the words. We've kept busy the past few weeks. I had a couple of work projects, as well as several large school projects to finish as the semester winds down. I actually just completed my last part for my last big group project, and took my last exam now I just have to do a couple of reviews and write a few short papers and I'll be down to 5 classes left in my MBA. Not sure how long it will take me to finish those 5, but still - that will be a good feeling and I'm proud of what I've accomplished so far. Or rather, if you keep reading, I'm proud of what I've learned and how I've enjoyed my MBA work thus far.

I've been pondering a couple of things lately - the value of family and friends, satisfaction, and disappointment. The first two I'll begin to tackle here. The third I'll save for later.

I've been reminded quite a bit of just how much I need people in my life. Not just how much I need them, but rather, how much joy they bring me and how much richer my life is because of them. This not-so-surprising reminder has come in the form of phone calls and emails from family; coffee, lunch, and dinner with friends; and evenings with our small group. But it also came through conscious remembering of certain times or events when I needed people and they were there, as well as when the presence or acts of others totally blessed me. Life isn't always easy and things don't necessarily happen the way my brain thinks they should, but I have people who will laugh, cry, and pray with me through anything...and most importantly, who love me for me - no changes required. And that makes up for an aweful lot. So to all the wonderful people in my life, near and far, family and friends...thank you so much for sharing with me and enriching my life with you. You are one of the things I am most grateful for this Thanksgiving.

Moving on to this post's title, which I'll leave to the Rolling Stones to sing...I've been thinking a lot about how to not get so caught up in dreaming, and then working toward those dreams, that you forget to be happy along the way. Or that you just want to skip the "along the way" period and jump to the desired end state. I've heard warnings against this attitude throughout life - don't be so focused on "getting out into the real world" that you rush through college...cause even though you might go back to school, rarely do you get to go back to the less-stressful, less responsibility, anticipation-filled days of college. Another warning was not to be so hurried to get married that you miss out on the joys and opportunities that single life and dating offer.

What I find interesting about this advice is that the end state ("real life" - aka career, freedom, etc, and marriage) are not bad things to wish for. In fact, they are good, even admirable things to work toward. The danger isn't in the goals themselves, but in the singularly-focused, die-hard drive toward them that eliminates any chance of actually enjoying the journey. And I'd dare to say, eliminates the majority of the sought-for satisfaction upon getting there. Which provides a double whammy - dissatisfaction with the current state (thus the goal), and dissatisfaction upon attaining the new desired state.

I think goals and dreams are very good things. Which works out nicely because I happen to have a lot of them. However, one of the things I've been learning over the past few years is that what "they" say is SO true - it is more about the journey than the destination. That I will thoroughly enjoy our office when I get the piles on the floor organized into the closet; but that the process of going through and sorting things, figuring out how to arrange it all, and actually doing the work is just as, if not more, enjoyable. IF I let it be, which I actually have been. I've also discovered that this means it typically takes a bit longer to get it done than simply putting it all in the closet and shutting the doors, but so much more rewarding in so many ways.

I think that far too often we get wrapped up in the lie "that as soon as I get this done, then I'll be happy." This search for satisfaction is neverending, because if it really is all about reaching the desired goal, well, there's always another one waiting as soon as you reach it. This crazy race is like the search for the fountain of life - people are so consumed with finding it, that they waste away the whole life they were given.

So what is my point in all this? I think it's that goals are good. But life doesn't start and happiness isn't attained when you reach them. In case you haven't noticed, life has already started and so far, no one has figured out a way to stop life isn't about getting XYZ done, it's about how you do it. The mistakes you make and things you learn. The new little paths you end up taking. And happiness isn't just about achieving's about enjoying the entire process you took to get there. That's what life is - it's not a series of accomplishments, although those often come. It's a series of journeys. And it's up to each of us to decide whether we're going to hurry up and rush through each journey as quickly as possible, or actually engage in and enjoy each one. The fact that God saw fit to put us on a particular journey, to give us a certain task, says to me there's a reason for it. And what a shame it would be to be so determined to get to the end that we miss what He intended to show us along the way.

And so I am working on being content. Not complacent, which is feeling secure and peaceful while completely unaware of what's going on around you, but truly being content...loosely paraphrasing the dictionary - feeling peace of mind and emotional satisfaction because I'm willing to accept the circumstances God has placed me in, and ready to engage in the journey so I learn what He wants me to. And most likely, finding quite a bit of joy along the way. That's life. So here's to each of us...may we truly live each day of our lives, not blaze our way through in a hurry to the next big thing.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Birthday Fun

This year my birthday fun started a couple of days before my actual birthday. Well, you could say it started a couple weeks before, with the arrival of my first gift when Mom and Dad came to help paint...I got to look at it for 6 whole weeks before opening it : ) Then the Friday before, Bryan took me on a surprise date to start celebrating...we went to the second Elways location in Cherry Creek (we ate at the other downtown location the evening of our wedding). It was quite yummy.
Then he took me to the mall next door and told me I could pick out a dress or a pair of shoes...woohoo! We ran out of time before deciding on something, but had tons of fun trying on boots...especially these (ridiculously priced) Manolo Blahnik beauties. Bryan still owes me a return trip to find just the right thing...I'm thinking some black ankle boots!

Bryan went out of town Nov 1, but he left me little gifts to find each day he was gone - so fun!

Then, due to a stroke of luck Gina flew into Denver for some work training, so we had a rather fabulous time shopping, eating, and just hanging out in general.

These dresses were not purchased, just tried on for fun.

Gina's enormo meatball sub and my blown-out candle at the Grand Lux Cafe.

And just because it was so...well...not what she wanted, here's a picture of Gina's awesome rental car.

I also received many wonderful birthday wishes and gifts from family and friends...thanks so much to everyone for making #29 a great one! Looking forward to a fabulous year with you all...

Monday, November 1, 2010

The End of an Age

Today is the last day that I will be 28. When I wake up tomorrow, I will have turned the page to number 29...and I'm ok with that. A couple of weeks ago I was dreading this day. I'm not sure why, because when I stopped to think about it (or rather, when Bryan finally convinced me), I realized that this past year has been pretty amazing and I think I have another one coming up.

28 has been good to me. I married the love of my life, spent quality time with family and friends, took some neat trips, (helped) paint our house, and dove back into my MBA, to name a few "big" things. I also took evening walks, planted flowers, read a couple books, organized bookshelves, did laundry, and packed lunches as I turned the calendar pages. Though perhaps seemingly less momentous, these day-to-day activities and the laughs and memories they induced shaped this last year just as much as the more monumental items.

And therein lies something I hope I remember all the rest of my birthdays (and the days in between) - the special times and exciting events in life are priceless. They invoke anticipation and hope and the best of memories, and I wouldn't trade the ones I've had for anything. But learning to delight in a hug when your husband gets home or in the way your flowers bloomed all summer or in how the paint in your kitchen makes you happy or in how a smile shared warms your heart...and finding satisfaction in neatly folded laundry, a completed homework assignment, or a home-cooked meal...these are the things that spawn joyful contentment.

I have been blessed. I have experienced an abundance of both exciting adventures and daily joys that leave me with a year full of awesome memories. Thanks to all those that helped create them...I'm looking forward to so many more to come with you. I'm also blessed to have someone to take the next year on with...thanks to my husband for making it a special week so far, and for what I still have to look foward to! It's my birthday - wooohooo! : ) 29, here I come!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Two are Better than One

Having a partner in life expands one's horizons. For instance, last Saturday Bryan and I went (thanks Lee!) to Boettcher Concert Hall for the Colorado Symphony Orchestra's performance of, among other pieces, Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture. The Colorado Chorus was featured too, and the whole thing was just amazing. There's something about 200 voices in perfect harmony that removes me from reality for a few minutes. Then afterwards we stopped by our friends Dorian, Jenny, and Alex's house to watch the big UFC event - Lesnar vs. Velasquez. I had just paid off the 29 cents I owed Dorian for losing a bet during the last UFC fight...and then promptly incurred the same debt when I picked the loser Saturday night. I don't know why we started betting 29 cents (I'm really not a big gambler) on the matches, but we do.

My whole point in all that is to say having a partner is great - I never would have started watching UFC fights were it not for Bryan. For that matter, I probably wouldn't have become such a loyal Broncos fan (sorry Dad); helped shovel a ton of river rock into, then back out of the back of a U-Haul; played one-on-one basketball at the park in the middle of a 100+ degree August day; attempted (key word being attempted) to do pull-ups; or learned how to back a boat into the water (which is really quite simple - back up and make sure to stop before your tailpipe gets flooded). I'm not sure what Bryan would insert here - maybe that were it not for me, he wouldn't know just how important having a different pair of shoes for each outfit is? Or that some people actually do sleep past 6:00 am when the alarm is off. Or that tears mean hug me and that washing the dishes means I'll hug you.

There's other good stuff too...the fact that there's someone else looking out for you. And that when a decision comes up, there's someone to make it with...someone who has the best interests of you as a couple at heart. Someone to make you smile...who can be strong when you're not. Who gets excited about upcoming adventures and laughs over good memories with you. Who feels your pain but reminds you of the truth regardless. Someone who helps you grow - not so much by telling you how to improve (although that does happen some:), but rather by engaging in situations where your weaknesses raise their ugly heads enough for you to identify them...and then loving you regardless while you work them out. Someone who holds your hand. Who supports you even when they don't completely understand. Who reminds you that you are valuable and special and needed. Really, just someone who's there...even when they're miles away, you know they're there - you can feel it.

I've been incredibly blessed to find most of those things in my family and a few friends throughout the years. Thank you - I hope I've told you all in some (however inadequate) way how much you have, and continue, to mean to me. But Bryan - you alone are responsible for the UFC part...and for that, and all the other things I just mentioned, I want to say thanks. You're asleep in Nashville right now, but thank you for being my husband. I love you.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Progression of the Leaves

The trees on our street have been putting on a beatiful show the past week + with a colorful array of bright red and golden yellow leaves. Our tree resisted until a day or two ago, when it started turning. Then it got rather windy yesterday...

Our neighbor's tree lost its leaves:
This resulted in a wonderfully crunchy lawn covering for us (not them). I happen to like the leaves, but not everyone else in the house does, so I was planing to rake them up later this week:

Last night I woke up several times from from the howling wind that literally shook the house. I am not a big fan of overly windy days, so I was pleasantly surprised to see the wind had taken care of my chore for me...this was our yard this morning (and our tree, which withheld):

So where did all the leaves go?
The wind deposited them very neatly right on top of my flowerbed:

It's supposed to drop below freezing tonight, so I'm just going to leave (no pun intended) them there and hope they insulate the flowers. It's supposed to be back in the 70's in a few days, so I'm not ready to bid the bright blooms good-bye yet!

At least I didn't wake up to this today, like those up in the mountains did. Good start for the ski season: