Today is the last day that I will be 28. When I wake up tomorrow, I will have turned the page to number 29...and I'm ok with that. A couple of weeks ago I was dreading this day. I'm not sure why, because when I stopped to think about it (or rather, when Bryan finally convinced me), I realized that this past year has been pretty amazing and I think I have another one coming up.
28 has been good to me. I married the love of my life, spent quality time with family and friends, took some neat trips, (helped) paint our house, and dove back into my MBA, to name a few "big" things. I also took evening walks, planted flowers, read a couple books, organized bookshelves, did laundry, and packed lunches as I turned the calendar pages. Though perhaps seemingly less momentous, these day-to-day activities and the laughs and memories they induced shaped this last year just as much as the more monumental items.
And therein lies something I hope I remember all the rest of my birthdays (and the days in between) - the special times and exciting events in life are priceless. They invoke anticipation and hope and the best of memories, and I wouldn't trade the ones I've had for anything. But learning to delight in a hug when your husband gets home or in the way your flowers bloomed all summer or in how the paint in your kitchen makes you happy or in how a smile shared warms your heart...and finding satisfaction in neatly folded laundry, a completed homework assignment, or a home-cooked meal...these are the things that spawn joyful contentment.
I have been blessed. I have experienced an abundance of both exciting adventures and daily joys that leave me with a year full of awesome memories. Thanks to all those that helped create them...I'm looking forward to so many more to come with you. I'm also blessed to have someone to take the next year on with...thanks to my husband for making it a special week so far, and for what I still have to look foward to! It's my birthday - wooohooo! : ) 29, here I come!
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