After a good lesson, I went to my first errand - a return. All was well until the cashier asked for my credit card to put the refund on and I couldn't find my wallet. My wallet is always in my purse. Always. I panicked slightly, accepted a store credit instead, and went out to search my car to no avail. Unable to complete the rest of my errands, I hightailed it home to look there...only to almost run into a police check point. In the middle of the afternoon - what? Since my license was in my who-knows-where wallet, I took a side street over to the next major road, avoiding a pathetic explanation to the lawmen. This turned out to be a slight disaster as there was serious road work underway. Well, let's just say there were a lot of cones and reduced lanes and guys in hard hats standing around. 1.5 hours later I finally made it home, but couldn't find my wallet anywhere. The blasted thing did finally turn up in the back corner of my trunk under a towel. I have no idea how it got there...and could have ended up finishing my errands after all...
Meanwhile, I picked my phone up from the counter to head back out again (still didn't have groceries), and noticed the track ball covering was gone. Meaning the track ball now falls out unless I lay my phone flat or hold it in with my finger while talking. Thank goodness for speaker phone...
So I pulled out of the garage yet again, and a few miles down the road came to a complete standstill (spilling water on myself in the process) until a stalled car could be dragged out of the single lane it was blocking. I finally get almost to the store parking lot before realizing my grocery list was still where I threw it on the kitchen counter during one of my earlier frantic searches through my purse for my wallet. At this point, I gave up, had dinner with my friend Brea, and went home to spend almost 2 hours on a conference call for my Marketing Management group project (which means I missed talking to Bryan who's in Nashville). What a day.
On a happier note:
- Gina managed to get her next training scheduled in Denver in two weeks, so I get a real live date with her on my birthday
- Charlie is talking about coming out to go skiing (sorry, boarding)
- My husband has been making me even more proud than usual lately
- The holidays are coming and that means time with family
- Speaking of which, I am blessed to have people that I love and that love me. Awesomeness
- I really like our small group and the people in it
- My economics class is half over
- If I hurry, I can get to bed before midnight tonight
- The grocery store will (likely) still have food tomorrow and be happy to see my credit card
- I am still thrilled with our new paint job
I could go on, but I'm getting tired. Night all!
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