Friday, July 1, 2011

Europe Day 11: Travel to Haarlem

Easter morning, April 24, we boarded the first of several trains that took us to Haarlem, Netherlands.  I apparently had such a good run at Rummy that Bryan told me I should enter a competition (to be fair, I must also note that my good fortune did not last forever and the tables turned later in the trip).  I once again enjoyed the train ride(s), spending a bit of time thinking about 1. the real meaning of Easter, for which I am very thankful, and 2. past Easters/growing up, for which I am also thankful.  I have wonderful memories of looking for the eggs Mom and Dad hid...Mom put different stickers on the eggs for each of us kids and we could only find ours - that way everyone got some.  And Dad could nearly burst sometimes wanting to give us clues...good times for sure!

Our trusty travel companions - backpacks!

We saw this bicycle from the train window...pretty stellar!
We got into Haarlem at 5:30 and walked to our hotel on the old town square.  Haarlem is a cute little town, and after enjoying dinner at an outdoor cafe on the square, we took a walk through old streets and along the canals before calling it a night.  Loved the architecture...such character!

On the town square

We kept missing the opening times for this church so we'll have to go in next time!

While this wasn't the most historic thing we saw, it's (lack of) size was impressive!

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