Friday, July 1, 2011

Europe Day 12: Gardens and Fields...Flowers!

April 25 began with a quick train ride to Leiden, from where we boarded a bus to Keukenhof - the famed tulip garden.  The weather was gorgeous and we wandered through the stunning displays of tulips for about 3 hours.  I loved how artfully the beds of tulips were arranged among trees and pathways - perfect for a relaxing morning of soaking in some beauty.  The colors, sizes, and even shapes of the flowers were amazing.  Truly beautiful.

Goofy tourist?  Yes please

View of tulip fields from the top of the windmill

While waiting for our bus back, we spontaneously decided to rent bikes and ride for a while...excellent decision!  We rode through little towns (stopping at one for a bite to eat) and along tulip fields and canals.  The fields were amazing - rows and rows of brightly colored tulips forming a carpet of color.  So beautiful.  It as also fun to be on bikes like all the locals - it really is the popular mode of transportation in the Netherlands. 

Riding by fields...

After about 3 hours of riding, we caught our various buses and trains back to Haarlem for dinner and an early bedtime.  Another fab-u-lous day!!!

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