Friday, July 1, 2011

Europe Days 9 and 10: Wedding in Eutin

April 22 we got up early to catch our 7:04am train - the first of several that ended up depositing us in Eutin, Germany, for the wedding of our friends Mat and Fran.  The long succession of train rides gave us time to put our feet up, play cards, and reflect on the trip thus far.  I really enjoyed the history of Europe.  World-changing events happened in the places we visited, and even the buildings show the age and character of each city.  People spend more time socializing there.  Eating is something to be enjoyed, not rushed through, and coffee is drank at a cafe counter, not on the run.  Bread comes from bakeries (fresh daily), not mass-produced in factories (although there is some of that too).  People take vacations, travel.  Don't get me wrong - I love the conveniences life in the U.S. offers and for the most part am more than happy with where I live.  But Europe is thoroughly enjoyable in it's own right, and a few lessons on slowing down and appreciating life could likely be noted by most Americans.

When we arrived in Eutin, Fran's mom picked us up and drove us out to the complex/farm where everyone stayed and the rehearsal dinner was held.  It was very charming and once again, the weather was amazing.  It was fun to meet Fran's German relatives, and we had a good time chatting with folks during and after dinner.

April 23 dawned a beautiful day for a wedding.  After breakfast Bryan and I went to see the wedding site with Mat, then joined a group of people on a little trip to Bad Segeberg - a town a couple of miles away.  Then it was time for the wedding.  Bryan was practiced up and ready to go (for those who don't know, Bryan read the English part of the ceremony while Fran's friend did the German part!).  He did a swell job all around, including telling the groom he could kiss the bride before the bride said her vows, which provided a bit of comic relief both then and later, when, at the appropriate time, he said "you may NOW kiss the bride."   A full evening of festivities, dinner, and dancing followed.

The bride pre-wedding

The groom waiting

Bryan's big entrance

Mat's neice, the second flower girl, is a pretty fantastic, tireless dancer...

Bryan was impressed with the size of the skillet!

Congratulations Mat and Fran!  Thanks for including us in your special weekend!

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