Thursday, July 5, 2012

Ireland - June 27

This morning we left Maynooth for Belfast.  I didn’t feel so great upon waking, but that improved a bit once I got up and moving.  The rain stopped just in time for us to walk to the train station, and with a bit of luck we made our tight connection in Dublin just fine.  The train ride to Belfast was pretty.  We saw a bit of coast/beach on the first part, and lots of green the rest of the way.  We intended to pow-wow as a team about our leadership study on the train, but we weren’t able to sit together.  Which probably ended up being a good thing, because we likely needed a spot of down time.  I like just sitting back, relaxing, and staring out the window on train rides.  Although last night when we got our of our last Maynooth cab I did note that I’ll be ready to have my own car again. 

Jill was sitting next to a nice gentleman on the train and I heard him ask her where she sees herself in two years.  I currently dread that question a bit.  I know it’s important to know where you’re heading because otherwise you could end up anywhere…where you focus is where you go…etc.  But I don’t know just what that is.  I used have everything figured out.  I knew exactly what I was going to do and had my plan to get there.  The last few years have changed that.  It’s not necessarily bad, but it is different and I don’t quite know what to think about it now.  I don’t even know what I want to do.  I feel like somewhere amidst the “should” and “need” and busyness and drain that I lost a little piece of me.  I don’t really think it’s lost, I suppose.  But I think that survival mode pushes certain things down as others must rise for a time.  I likely could sit and tell a great many things that I think I want to do, but I’m not sure which of them are what I think I should want to do and which I truly do want to do.  And so I sit here and ask myself – what do you want to do Kristi?  I want to be part of something that matters; I want the real me – not something I think I should be – to be needed and appreciated; I want to lead something toward betterment; and I want to have fun. 

I find myself to be very flexible.  I can lead, I can follow, I can be outgoing, I can be quiet, I can plan, I can be spontaneous…I can pretty much adapt myself to whatever the situation requires.  Not that I’m exceedingly fabulous at everything, but I’ve learned how to be what’s needed.  I suppose that could be a good thing.  But could it possibly also keep me from thriving in the spot I would fit best?  I’m not sure I want to “fit in”…I kind of want to stand out.  In a good way, of course.  I’d much rather fit in than stand out for being obnoxious.

I’m contemplative today.  Lots of wondering, but no clear answers.  Yet.  I guess the pondering part should come before the answers.  So I’ll patiently keep pondering…

We arrived in Belfast with no trouble, despite the Queen also arriving today, and dropped our luggage at the hotel.  After lunch in the hotel, we regrouped with the rest of the class and headed to the Northern Ireland Science Park to meet Norman Apsley for a tour of the Titanic dock and pump station.  It was really interesting to see how it all worked…and kind of amazing to go down into the (dry) dock and see just how big it was.  We calculated (with a bit of help from physics extraordinaire Norman) that the Titanic weighed about 45,000 tons.  That’s a lot of tons.  Norman was a really interesting guide and I enjoyed our tour.

Our team then went to the Titanic museum, newly opened this year.  It was better than I expected, and again, very informative and interesting.  It was pouring when we finished, so we hurried back to the hotel, changed into dry clothes, and went downstairs to eat again…and an hour later finally got a table.  Apparently the hotel restaurant is a hot spot.  Or more likely, the only place to eat in the area :)  We all agreed at dinner that we’re glad we got the team, location, and project/CEO that we did – I’m going to have some good memories when this is all over.

Sigh - it’s going to be a short night, but it was a good day!

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